Post Polio Victoria

PPV aims to assist people with polio to stay connected to their community. Visit our website: for more information.

Post Polio Victoria Inc. was established in 2011. Its aim is to assist people with polio to stay connected to their community. PPV will advocate for post-polio needs to health professionals, services and government authorities. PPV’s goal is to provide information, advice and raise awareness of issues that surround polio to the broader community.
Post Polio Victoria (Inc) is run by a volunteer management committee of people who have had polio.
PPV has no on going funding and its work is reliant on donations and one-off grants.
▪ Post Polio Victoria (PPV) aims to assist people with polio to stay connected to their community.
▪ PPV will advocate for post-polio needs to health professionals, services and government authorities.
▪ PPV’s goal is to provide information, advice and raise awareness of issues that surround polio to the broader community.
The Objectives of PPV are to:
1. Focus on strategic issues that are beyond the scope of individual members and Polio Support Groups to undertake alone, or that are of significant interest and benefit to the membership as a whole.
2. Advocate on issues related to Post-Polio to health professionals, services and government authorities.
3. Raise awareness and educate people on issues that surround polio to the broader community.
4. Build positive relationships with the Victorian Polio Support groups and other relevant Victorian community groups.
5. Foster relationships with Polio Australia, Polio Services Victoria, Polio Network Victoria (Independence Australia), and other relevant services and community groups.
6. Provide information and advice on Post-Polio and its late effects, to people who have had polio, and who may now be experiencing, or starting to experience, the complications associated with this condition.
7. Assist people who have had polio, along with their families, carers and networks to support each other and stay connected to their community.
8. Be aware of and support current appropriate research into the effects of poliomyelitis.
9. Raise funds to support the stated objectives of PPV.
10. Promote the eradication of poliomyelitis.

Non-profit organization